URCHN Arkipelago Difference between revisions of "Schedule"

Difference between revisions of "Schedule"

From URCHN Arkipelago
(Replaced content with "placeholder")
(12 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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== Current Priorities ==
zooetrope/time lapse
fix twist on gilgaspine
*get Jean Sebastian modeling cockroaches
*send low poly train to dolf? (get ideas from josh)
*ask Perry about getting the farm to render out of 2.5
*call for more animators, at least Luciano and Jonathan)
make spreadsheets more public-friendly
===Near Future===
Finish Gilgarig (becomes high priority following model completion)
* Face
* Procedural shaking
===And Beyond===

Latest revision as of 11:57, 1 June 2011
