URCHN Arkipelago Difference between revisions of "Schedule"

Difference between revisions of "Schedule"

From URCHN Arkipelago
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== Current Priorities ==
===First Step===
''Put Dmitry on roach legs'' '''DONE'''
Prep package for Jim to do final sketch
*''Renders of station'' '''DONE'''
*Relevant concept art
*Reference photos '''F'''
*Notes (emphasis on consistency, story information, super vs substructure)
Prep package for train final model (pass to Nathaniel)
*CC Josh
Poke Gatis '''F'''
Prep package for enkiroach model (pass to Jean Sebastian)
Get Nathaniel, Gatis, Dmitry and Jim on Helga, reel, animatic
Get Nathaniel an Gatis on SVN
Nathaniel and Dmitry local possibilities '''F'''
Poke JP Bouza, if he is available, assign paper rig, if not, recruit
===Other Priorities===
Check first on Kursad and Jonathan (see below)
*Pablo, Venom, William, Gianmichele, Henri, Jason, Redo, Sam
*Ask Pepeland about his students (can he teach a Tube unit?)
Finish 3D World article
Get Dolf and Josh in touch
===Next Step===
Prep package for Gilgamodel (pass to Dmitry)
Prep package for Gilgaroach (pass to Jean Sebastian, unless Kursad responds)
*email Kursad
Prep package for interior carriage model (pass to Nathaniel, unless Jonathan responds)
*email Jonathan
Prep package for injury scene (pass to Jim)
Prep package for escalator final model (pass to Gatis)
Find props for Chris Webber, pass
===Near Future===
Finish Gilgarig (becomes high priority following model completion)
* Face
* Procedural shaking

Latest revision as of 11:57, 1 June 2011
