URCHN Arkipelago Difference between revisions of "Schedule"

Difference between revisions of "Schedule"

From URCHN Arkipelago
(Replaced content with "placeholder")
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== Current Priorities ==
===First Step===
Finish and sendpackage for Jim to do final station sketches
*''Renders of station'' '''DONE'''
*Relevant concept art
*Reference photos '''F'''
*Notes (emphasis on consistency, story information, super vs substructure)
Prep package for train exterior final model
*pass to Nathaniel
*CC Josh
Stay in touch with Jean Sebastian about enkiroach model
Make sure ALL interns are checked out on SVN and Helga, have reel and animatic
Nathaniel and Dmitry local possibilities '''F'''
Poke JP Bouza and Malefico about paper rig
*If neither of them can do it, recruit
Poke William about anim
Poke Redo...?
Final ground model
*Block out model
*Farm off?
Poke Gianmichele about anim
Poke existing teammembers (Jason, Venom, Malefico)
Poke Dolf?
===Next Step===
Split up station?
*give some to Pablo
*give some to Sam
See what we get back from Jim, give weak stuff to Redo?
Prep package for injury scene
Find props for Chris Webber, pass
===Near Future===
Finish Gilgarig (becomes high priority following model completion)
* Face
* Procedural shaking

Latest revision as of 11:57, 1 June 2011
