When working in a complex project (such as tube) it is customary to link sets/characters/props as groups into the shot files. While the proxy system allows animating those items locally, it is only possible to use Python scripts for overriding cleaning just specific properties - e.g. material properties or texture paths. While this is easy for technical artists, it is not tweak friendly, and not at all accessible to non-technical artists. For this, the override addon provides a similar system to proxies, but targetting non-object properties, e.g. material and textures.
The initial version 0.0 only supports working with simple- non nodal materials, and not textures.
Refer to addon installation document to learn how to install this, and any other addon.
When working in a scene file, click on the group-duplicator (typically an empty) for which you want to change properties. In the Properties editor, go to the object-data (in this case empty) buttons. You will see a new panel, "Material Overrides"
First time Usage
Click on the button "Create holder object"
Second time usage
Scroll to a material you want to override, and click it in the selector. In the material Datablocks, click the + symbol. You will get a new local material, with a different name.
Normal usage
Now you can change any of the properties that appear below, and press 'update remotes' to see your changes on the model.