URCHN Arkipelago Scene layer names

Scene layer names

From URCHN Arkipelago

Notice: Obsolete See layer_names

This script, while functional, is obsolete, and has been replaced by layernames.py - a script that will eventually also manage armature layers, and has better ui and functionality.


Scene layer names is simple layer manager for scenes. It allows assigning names to Blender layers, and having a default set of layers in a directory.


  • Start Blender
    Scenelayer addon.png
  • File->User Preferences->Addons tab.
  • Install New Addon
  • browse to $tubeSVNroot/lib/python/addons/scene_layernames.py
  • Enable the addon.
  • Save User Preferences


  • Default names: If a file named "__layers" exists in the same directory, this will be parsed for layer names. act_1/ and lib/ currently both have this file, see the bottom of this page for an example.
  • The Addon appears in the View Properties (right side of the 3D View) in the 3D View, as a panel titled 'scene layer names'
  • If there is a defaults file, those names will appear.
  • To assign a name, click on the button at the top, and assign a number to a name, then click OK. Note: layer numbers start at zero, not one.
  • You can delete or reassign the same way.

Example __layers file:

gilgamesh:0,enkiduroach:1,paper:2,cameras:4,station:5,tracks and ground:6,trains:7,lights:8,particles:9,gilgaroach:10,general roaches:11,trash:19